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Virtual robotics

The Virtual Robotics library provides a set of APIs for constructing simple virtual robots. In this document all times are in seconds, all sizes are in meters, all angles are in radians and all indices start from 0.

User guide

The Virtual Robotics library allows construction of virtual robots from a JavaScript program. The robots can be viewed and manipulated on desktop and mobile platforms. The library is base on the following main concepts:

Building a robot


Virtual Robotics is distributed as a single JavaScript file called virtual-robotics.js. It does not require any specific installation. The library file could be placed anywhere within the project folder tree or hosten on a CORS-enabled repository.

The library provides its functionality via modules and it is used within a module script:

<script type="module">
	// JS code

The library is loaded (and activated) via import statement. The following example assumes the library is in current folder:

import * as Robotic from "./virtual-robotics.js";

If the library is activated, it prints the text Virtual Robotics 1.0 in the console. Activation creates a virtual scene with the Virtual Robotics logo spinning in the center:

Simple robot

This section describes the construction of a simple robot in several steps. The robot contains three parts and three motors, so that each part can be rotated.

The robot will be constructed in several steps:

Step 1 – HTML page

The first step is to create the main HTML page. It should have <!DOCTYPE html> at the very top to indicate this is a HTML5 page. The JavaScript source code is in <script> tag inside the main <body> tag. The library is loaded with an import statement, so that all definitions are accessed through Robotic. prefix. The following code create an empty scene:

<!DOCTYPE html>

	<script type="module">

		import * as Robotic from "../build/virtual-robotics.js";

		// robot definition
		// robot animation

Step 2 – Robot definition

Robots are defined as instances of Robotic.Robot class. The simple robot, that is being built, contains 6 elements – three motors and three robot parts. Motors are elements that implement rotation. For the simple robot rotation is around Z axis, so all three motors are Robotic.MotorZ instances. The three robot parts are Robotic.EdgedFinger.

To join all elements in a robot they are attached into a chain with the robot’s method attachChain. The following code build the robots as the chain (robot)→motor→finger→motor→finger→motor→finger.

var robot = new Robotic.Robot;
			new Robotic.MotorZ,
			new Robotic.EdgedFinger,
			new Robotic.MotorZ,
			new Robotic.EdgedFinger,
			new Robotic.MotorZ,
			new Robotic.EdgedFinger,

The result is a static robot. The motors are shown as short black cylinders between robot parts:

Step 3 – Robot animation

The animation in Virtual Robotics is implemented by a loop function that is called each animation frame – this usually happens 60 times per second and is controlled by the browser. This function has a parameter with the current time, measured since the initialization of the library. What function is used as a loop function is defined with Robotic.setAnimation.

Robots are animated by changing the angles of rotation in their motors. The robot’s method setAngles sets the angles of all motors – the order of angles in the method corresponds to the order of motors in the robot construction.

In the following example the first motor is rotated from -0.7 and 0.7 radians. The other two motors are rotated from -1.6 to 0 radians:

Robotic.setAnimation( loop );

function loop( t )
		-1.6*(0.5 + 0.5*Math.sin(t)),
		-1.6*(0.5 + 0.5*Math.sin(t))

Step 4 – Optional customization

Most elements in Virtual Robotics can be customized with a set of optional parameters. For examples, motors may have allowed range of rotation as well as visual sizes. SImilarily, fingers’s proportions can also be changed.

The following example uses differen sizes of robot parts:

new Robotic.MotorZ( -0.7, 0.7, 0, 0.2, 0.6 ),
new Robotic.EdgedFinger( 1, 1, 0.1 ),
new Robotic.MotorZ( -1.6, 0, 0, 0.4, 0.3 ),
new Robotic.EdgedFinger( 2 ),
new Robotic.MotorZ( -1.6, 0, 0, 0.4, 0.2 ),
new Robotic.EdgedFinger( 0.7, 0.1 ),

and different animation that resembles digging motion:

	-1.6*(0.5 + 0.5*Math.sin(2*t+1)),
	-1.6*(0.5 + 0.5*Math.sin(2*t))

Step 5 – Optional encapsulation

Robot encapsulation is the proces of packing robot structure and behaviour in a class. In this way it is easy to create many robots of this kind (i.e. instances of this class).

The following code creates class Digger which is a Robotic.Robot. Its constructor chains customized motors and robot parts and stores the speed parameter – it is how fast is the robot. The class has method dig which implements the digging motion for specific time and speed.

class Digger extends Robotic.Robot
	constructor( speed )
		super( );
		this.speed = speed;
			new Robotic.MotorZ( -0.7, 0.7, 0, 0.2, 0.6 ),
			new Robotic.EdgedFinger( 1, 1, 0.1 ),
			new Robotic.MotorZ( -1.6, 0, 0, 0.4, 0.3 ),
			new Robotic.EdgedFinger( 2 ),
			new Robotic.MotorZ( -1.6, 0, 0, 0.4, 0.2 ),
			new Robotic.EdgedFinger( 0.7, 0.1 ),
	dig( time )
		time = time * this.speed;
			-1.6*(0.5 + 0.5*Math.sin(time+1)),
			-1.6*(0.5 + 0.5*Math.sin(time))

Once the Digger class is defined, it can be used to create several robots, each with its own digging speed. The method setPosition is used to separate the robots, otherwise they all be created at position (0,0,0).

var robotA = new Digger(2);
var robotB = new Digger(3);
var robotC = new Digger(4);

robotA.setPosition( 0, 0, 1 );
robotC.setPosition( 0, 0, -1 );

Robotic.setAnimation( loop );

function loop( t )
	robotA.dig( t );
	robotB.dig( t );
	robotC.dig( t );


Some run-time aspects of the library can be controlled by URL parameters (also called query strings). Some of the parameters are pairs of name=vaue, others are just flags and are only name.




Robotic hands

The Virtual Robotics defines three variants of robotic hands – edged, round and anthropomorphic.


EdgedHand( isLeft )

Class. Defines an edged hand robot made of edged hand parts. If isLeft is true, the a left hand is constructed, otherwise – a right hand.


hand = new Robotic.EdgedHand( true );

Source code: src/robots/edged-hand.js


RoundHand( isLeft )

Class. Defines a round hand robot made of round hand parts. If isLeft is true, the a left hand is constructed, otherwise – a right hand.


hand = new Robotic.RoundHand( true );

Source code: src/robots/round-hand.js


AnthroHand( isLeft )

Class. Defines an anthropomorphic hand robot made of round hand parts and anthropomorphic hand parts. It extnds the RoundHand, with additional parts for finer thumb motion. If isLeft is true, the a left hand is constructed, otherwise – a right hand.


hand = new Robotic.AnthroHand( true );

Source code: src/robots/anthro-hand.js

Hands control

The edged, round and anthropomorphic hands can be controlled like other robots – individual motors can be set. The hands control provide additional options for control by setting a group of motors.


flexFinger( index, angle )

Method. Flexes a selected finger – the thumb has index 0, the index finger is 1, etc. The angle is applied to all motors in the finger, that are used for flexing.


hand.flexFinger( 1, 0.5 );


flexFingers( angle )

Method. Flexes all fingers by given angle.


hand.flexFingers( 0.5 );


spreadFinger( index, angle )

Method. Spreads a selected finger – the thumb has index 0, the index finger is 1, etc. The angle is applied only to the base motor of the finger.


hand.spreadFinger( 3, 0.1 );


spreadFingers( angle, includeThumb )

Method. Spread all fingers by given maximal angle. If includeThumb is true, the thumb is also spread, otherwise only the rest 4 fingers are spread.


hand.spreadFingers( 0.5, false );

General parts

The general parts are predefined parts that have images. Some robot parts also have invisible physics envelopes that are used the the physics engine for collision detection.

Common shapes

Shapes are robot parts without motors. They can be positioned with setPosition and rotated with setRotation. Common shapes have exact physics envelopes and the engine uses them for precise collision detection.

Source code: src/parts/shapes.js


Ball( )
Ball( radius )
Ball( radius, color )

Class. Defines a ball shape with optional radius (by default 1) and color (by default DimGray). The ball has no slots.


part = new Robotic.Ball( 2 );


Box( )
Box( sizex, sizey, sizez )
Box( sizex, sizey, sizez, color )

Class. Defines a box shape with optional sizes along its axes sizex, sizey and sizez (by default all sizes are 1), and color(by default DimGray). The box has no slots.


part = new Robotic.Box( 2, 1, 2 );


Label( text )
Label( text, sizex, sizey )
Label( text, sizex, sizey, color )

Class. Defines a rectangular shape with text label on it and optional sizes along its axes sizex and sizey (by default 1 and 0.25), and background color(by default White). The label has no slots.


note = new Robotic.Label( 'Entry point' );

Two methods are used to draw text on a label: setText and addText:


setText( text, x, y, font )

Method. Clears a label and draws text on it at pixel coordinates x and y (by default 10). The font, size and color of the text is defined as a CSS style string in font. By default the style is 'bold 48px Arial'.


note.setText( 'Counter 1', 10, 10, 'bold 48px Arial' );


addText( text, x, y, font )

Method. Draws text (without clearing the label) on it at pixel coordinates x and y (by default 10). The font, size and color of the text is defined as a CSS style string in font. By default the style is 'bold 48px Arial'.


note.setText( 'Counter 1', 10, 10, 'bold 48px Arial' );
note.addText( 'Counter 2', 10, 60, '24px Arial' );

External shapes

Complex shapes of robot parts can be designed with external tools like Blender and provided as GLTF or GLB files.

Source code: src/parts/gltf.js


GLTFPart( filename )
GLTFPart( filename, length )
GLTFPart( filename, length, callback )

Base class. Defines a robot part with shape loaded from GLTF or GLB file with URL in filename. The GLTF part has no slots. The length parameter (by default it is 0) sets the intended length of the shape, so center of rotation of the part is shifted down by length/2 from the center of the shape.

A GLTF model ia loaded asynchronously. The optional callback parameter is a function that is called when the model is loaded. The part has no physics envelope and no slots. A part that extends GLTFPart may add its own envelope and slots.


part = new Robotic.GLTFPart( 'myshape.glb', 2 );


gltf.recolor( fromColor, toColor, eps )

Method of GLTFPart. Changes the color of each vertex from fromColor to toColor. Optional parameter eps defines how precise to check fromColor. By default it is 0.01. Colors can be changed only after the 3D model is loaded and recolor can be used in a callback function.


Robot motors are extensions of motor class with predefined axis of rotation and image. The motors have no physics envelopes and the engine ignores them during collision detection.

Source code: src/motor.js


MotorX( min, max, def )
MotorX( min, max, def, width, height )

Class. Defines a motor that rotates around the X axis. The available range for the rotation is from min to max. The initial value is def. The motor is drawn as a cylinder with sizes width and height (by default width=0.1 and height=0.05). Slot 0 is at the center of the motor.


motor = new Robotic.MotorX( 0, Math.PI, Math.PI/2 );


MotorY( min, max, def )
MotorY( min, max, def, width, height )

Class. Defines a motor that rotates around the Y axis. The available range for the rotation is from min to max. The initial value is def. The motor is drawn as a cylinder with sizes width and height (by default width=0.1 and height=0.05). Slot 0 is at the top of the motor.


motor = new Robotic.MotorY( 0, Math.PI, Math.PI/2 );


MotorZ( min, max, def, width=0.1, height=0.05 )

Class. Defines a simple motor that rotates around the Z axis. The available range for the rotation is from min to max. The initial value is def. The motor is drawn as a cylinder with sizes width and height. Slot 0 is at the center of the motor.


motor = new Robotic.MotorZ( 0, Math.PI, Math.PI/2 );

Hand parts

Hands parts are predefined robot parts that are used to build antropomorphic robots resembling a human hand. Hands parts are: a finger, a finger tip, and a palm. A more advanced version of the hand is the anthropomorphic hand that contains additional part: a thumb.

Edged hand

The edged hand parts are convex polyhedra with straight edges. The main properties of edged hand parts are:

Source code: src/parts/edged-hand.js


EdgedFinger( )
EdgedFinger( length )
EdgedFinger( length, width, thickness )

Class. Defines an edged finger shape intended for attachment to Z-motor. The optional parameters length (by default 1), width (by default 0.3) and thickness (by default 0.3) define the size of the part. There is one slot at the top at position (0,length,0).


part = new Robotic.EdgedFinger( 1, 0.2, 0.2 );


EdgedTip( )
EdgedTip( length )
EdgedTip( length, width, thickness )

Class. Defines a tip of an edged finger shape for attachment to Z-motor. The optional parameters length (by default 1), width (by default 0.3) and thickness (by default 0.3) define the size of the part. There are no slots. The EdgedTip looks almost like EdgedFinger, but is intended to be the last part of a chain of fingers.


part = new Robotic.EdgedTip( 1, 0.2, 0.2 );


EdgedPalm( left )
EdgedPalm( left, length )
EdgedPalm( left, length, width, thickness )

Class. Defines a shape for an edged palm. The palm exists in two symmetrical shapes. If left is true, the palm is a left-hand palm, otherwise it is a right-hand palm. The parameters length (by default 1.4), width (by default 1.4) and thickness (by default 0.3) define the size of the palm. There are five slots for attaching fingers, the slot for the thumb is 0.


part = new Robotic.EdgedPalm( true, 1.5, 0.9, 0.3 );

Round hand

The round hand parts are shaped like ellipsoids and have connectors for attaching other round parts. The main properties of round hand parts are:

Round hand parts as GLTF files use two colors – white (1,1,1) for the planar surfaces and blue (0,0.21,1) for the curved surfaces. When files are loaded for modeling a rounded hand, the blue color is changed to gray (0.3,0.3,0.3).

Source code: src/parts/round-hand.js


RoundFinger( filename )
RoundFinger( filename, length )

Class. Defines a round finger shape intended for attachment to Z-motor. The optional parameter length (by default 0.8) defines the intended length of the palm. There is one slot at the top at position (0,length,0).

The round finger is used to model both a finger and a tip. The following example defines the intended length value for the available GLTF file for round fingers:

Part GLTF file Length
Long finger round-finger-8.glb 0.8
Short finger round-finger-5.glb 0.5
Tip round-tip.glb 0.5


part = new Robotic.RoundFinger( '../assets/gltf/round-finger-8.glb', 0.8 );


RoundPalm( left, filename )
RoundPalm( left, filename, length )

Class. Defines a round palm. The palm exists in two symmetrical shapes. If left is true, the palm is a left-hand palm, otherwise it is a right-hand palm. Only the left palm exists as a GLTF model. The right palm is a mirror of the left palm. The parameter length (by default 1.4) defines the intended size of the palm. There are five slots for attaching round fingers, the slot for the thumb is 0.

Part GLTF file Length
Palm round-palm.glb 1.4


part = new Robotic.RoundPalm( true, '../assets/gltf/round-palm.glb' );

Anthropomorphic hand

The anthropomorphic hand parts are extension to the round hand parts. They provide more detailed shapes for thumbs.

Source code: src/parts/anthro-hand.js


AnthroThumb( left, filename )
AnthroThumb( left, filename, length )

Class. Defines a round anthropomorphic thumb. The thumb exists in two symmetrical shapes. If left is true, the thumb is a left-hand palthumb, otherwise it is a right-hand thumb. Only the left thumb exists as a GLTF model. The right thumb is a mirror of the left thumb. The optional parameter length (by default 1.4) defines the intended length of the thumb. There is one slot at the top at position (0,-0.2length,0.06length).


part = new Robotic.AnthroThumb( true, '../assets/gltf/anthro-thumb.glb' );


AnthroPalm( left, filename )
AnthroPalm( left, filename, length )

Class. Defines a round anthropomorphic palm. The palm exists in two symmetrical shapes. If left is true, the palm is a left-hand palm, otherwise it is a right-hand palm. Only the left palm exists as a GLTF model. The right palm is a mirror of the left palm. The parameter length (by default 1.4) defines the intended size of the palm. There are five slots for attaching round fingers, the slot for the thumb is 0.


part = new Robotic.AnthroPalm( true, '../assets/gltf/anthro-palm.glb' );


Scene API

The Virtual Robotics library automatically creates a 3D scene that contains all created robotic devices.

Source code: src/scene.js


setAnimation( func, fps=30 )

Function. Defines a callback function func to be called fps times per second. Higher fps (or frames-per-second) produces smoother motion, but consumes more computational resources. The maximal value for fps is controlled by the browser and is usually 60 or more.

The callback function has optional parameters time for the elapsed time since the start of the library; and dTime for the elapsed time since the previous frame.


Robotic.setAnimation( loop, 60 );

function loop( time, dTime )
   // one step of the animation


getTime( );

Function. Gets the current time since the initialization of the library. Inside the animation loop, the time is available as a parameter.


time = Robotic.getTime( );


setVR( rightHandRobot, leftHandRobot )

Function. Allows VR mode when a compatible VR device is present. Currently VR mode is tested only with Meta Quest 2 headsets. The method adds [Enter VR] button and when pressed, the user enters VR mode. The optional parameters rightHandRobot and leftHandRobot are robots that are attached as controllers.

In VR mode the camera position and orientation is controlled by the headset, and the attached robots positions and orientations are controlled by the controllers.


Robotic.setVR( robotA, robotB );

While in VR mode the position of attached robots set by setPosition are relative to the controller position. The property vr-reset-position defines whether the robot position is automatically reset when it is attached in VR mode.

In the following example, when robots are attached to controller in VR mode, robotA position will be reset to (0,0,0), while robotB will preserve its position (-0.3,0,0), but it will be relative to the controller.

robotA.setPosition( -0.3, 0, 0 );
robotA.setProperty( 'vr-reset-position', true );

robotB = new Robotic.AnthroHand( true );
robotB.setPosition( 0.3, 0, 0 );

Navigation in VR mode is done with the Squeeze buttons – the right controller moves the user forward along the direction of the controller, the left controller moves the user backward.


getScene( );

Function. Gets the scene as a THREE.Scene object that can be manipulated by Three.js, e.g. for adding custom Three.js objects.


scene = Robotic.getScene( );


setCameraPosition( position )
setCameraPosition( x, y, z )

Function. Places the camera at given position which is a list of coordinates (x,y,z). The position can also be provided as three individual values. Initially the camera is placed at (4,4,7). The camera position can be changed in the animation loop to control its motion programmatically.


position = [10, 2, 0];
Robotic.setCameraPosition( position );

Robotic.setCameraPosition( 10, 2, 0 );


setCameraTarget( target )
setCameraTarget( x, y, z )

Function. Turns the camera towards given target which is a list of coordinates (x,y,z). The target can also be provided as three individual values. Initially the camera target is (0,0,0). The camera target can be changed in the animation loop to control its rotation programmatically.


target = [0, 2, 0];
Robotic.setCameraTarget( target );

Robotic.setCameraTarget( 0, 2, 0 );

Robot API

A robot is a mechanism made of various robot parts. Some parts are just 3D shapes, others are motors or sensors.

Source code: src/robot.js


Base class. Defines the overall functionality of a robot. User-defined robots are classes that extends this base class.


class MyRobot extends Robotic.Robot
	constructor( )
		super( );

		// definitions of robot parts


attachChain( part1, part2, ... )

Method. Used in the constructor of a custom robot to automatically connect parts part1, part2 and so on in a chain and attach this chain to the robot. Method attachChain(...) is a shorthand for addChain(this,...).

The result of the method is the last attached part.


class MyRobot extends Robotic.Robot
	constructor( )
		super( );

		var partA = ...;
		var partB = ...;
		this.attachChain( partA, partB );

Attaching a chain always attaches parts to slot 0. If another slot or a custom slot position is needed, use attachToSlot.


addChain( part1, part2, ... )

Method. Used in the constructor of a custom robot to automatically connect parts part1, part2 and so on in a chain. Method addChain is a shorthand for a sequence of attachToSlot. The variable this can be used to mark the robot itself. If this is used in addChain it must be the first parameter. At least one of the chains in a robot must start with this, otherwise the robot parts will be unattached to the robot.

The result of the method is the last added part.


class MyRobot extends Robotic.Robot
	constructor( )
		super( );

		var partA = ...;
		var partB = ...;
		this.addChain( this, partA, partB );

Adding a chain always attaches parts to slot 0. If another slot or a custom slot position is needed, use attachToSlot.


addGUI( title )

Method. Create interactive panel with all motors. The user can interactively modify angles and export the gesture as a JavaScript command. The panel is made with lil-gui library. The title is used as a title of the controls. The default title is ‘Robot’.

Motors with names set by setName are listed with their name. All other motors are listed with their index.


robot.addGUI( );

The GUI element of a robot is stored in property gui, which can be accessed to modify the panel, e.g. to change the position: = 'left: 0em';


getParts( )

Method. Gets a list of all robot parts, including motors.


parts = robot.getParts( );


getMotors( )

Method. Gets a list of all robot motors. The number of motors defines the robot’s DOF (Degree of freedom) as each motor can be manipulated independently on other motors.


motors = robot.getMotors( );


getSensors( )

Method. Gets a list of all robot sensors.


sensors = robot.getSensors( );


getPosition( )

Method. Gets the position of a robot as a list of [x, y, z] coordinates.


pos = robot.getPosition( );


setPosition( position )
setPosition( x, y, z )

Method. Sets the position of a robot to position which is a list of coordinates (x,y,z). The position can also be provided as three individual values. If no position is provided, the robot is removed from the scene, but it is not deleted. The default position of a robot is (0,0,0).


position = [0, 10, 5];
robot.setPosition( position );

robot.setPosition( 0, 10, 5 );


setRotation( x, y, z, order='XYZ' )

Method. Sets the orientation of a robot defined by Euler angles (x,y,z) and optional order of rotations.


robot.setRotation( 0, Math.PI/2, 0 );


setScale( factor )

Method. Rescales a robot by given factor. This operation affects bothe the image of the robot and the physics envelopes of its parts.


robot.setScale( 0.2 );


getAngle( index )

Method. Gets the angle of the index-th motor. If such motor does not exist, the result is 0. Use getAngles to get all angles at once.


a = robot.getAngle( 1 );


setAngle( index, angle )

Method. Sets the angle of the index-th motor. If such motor does not exist or if the angle is null, the operation is ignored. Use setAngles to set all angles at once.


robot.setAngle( 1, Math.PI );


getAngles( )

Method. Gets an array with angles of all motors. Use getAngle to get an individual angle.


a = robot.getAngles( );


setAngles( angle1, angle2, ... )

Method. Sets the angles angle1, angle2, … of all motors. If a value of some angle is null, then the corresponding motor’s angle is unchanged. Use setAngle to set an individual angle.


robot.setAngles( Math.PI, 0, -Math.PI/2 );


getProperty( name )

Method. Gets the value of a specific property name from the first part of the robot. If such property is not set, the result is undefined. A property could be any user-defined feature, like temperature, sound, color emission, etc. It is up to the user program to process properties.


a = robot.getProperty( 'temperature' );


setProperty( name, value )

Method. Sets the value of a specific property name to all parts of the robot. A property could be any user-defined feature, like temperature, sound, color emission, etc. It is up to the user program to process properties.


robot.setProperty( 'temperature', 25 );
robot.setProperty( 'units', 'Kelvin' );

Part API


Base class. Defines the core functionality of a robot part. Parts used in robots are extensions of this base class. Each part may have slots where other parts can be attached. Motors and sensors are parts too. The base class part is invisible and has no 3D shape.


addSlot( x, y, z )

Method. Adds a new slot to a robot part. The slot is at coordinates (x,y,z) relative to the part. To rotate a slot use its method setRotation.


part.addSlot( 2, 0, 1 );


attachToSlot( parent )
attachToSlot( parent, slot=0 )

Method. Attaches the part to a slot of the parent part. The slot can be a number for the slot index or a Slot object. If no slot is given, the part is attached to the first slot of the parent. If the parent has no slots, the the part is attached to the parent itself.


partB.attachToSlot( partA );
partB.attachToSlot( partA, 2 );
partB.attachToSlot( partA, new Robotic.Slot(0,3,0) );


setPosition( position )
setPosition( x, y, z )

Method. Sets the position of a part to position which is a list of coordinates (x,y,z). The position can also be provided as three individual values. The position is relative to the part’s parent. The method setPosition is used to manually set the position of a part. When a part is attached to a slot, it assumes its position. If a part is not attached, then its position is in the 3D scene.


position = [0, 10, 5];
part.setPosition( position );

part.setPosition( 0, 10, 5 );


setRotation( x, y, z, order='XYZ' )

Method. Sets the orientation of a part to Euler angles (x,y,z) and order of rotations. The rotation is relative to the part’s parent. The method setRotation is used to manually set the orientation of a part. When a part is attached to a slot, it assumes its orientation. If a part is not attached, then its orientation is in the 3D scene.


part.setRotation( 0, Math.PI/2, 0 );


getProperty( name )

Method. Gets the value of a specific property name of a part. If such property is not set, the result is undefined. A property could be any user-defined feature, like temperature, sound, color emission, etc. It is up to the user program to process properties.


a = part.getProperty( 'temperature' );


setProperty( name, value )

Method. Sets the value of a specific property name of a part. A property could be any user-defined feature, like temperature, sound, color emission, etc. It is up to the user program to process properties.


part.setProperty( 'temperature', 25 );
part.setProperty( 'units', 'Kelvin' );


beginContact( otherPart )

Method. This method is automatically called when the physics engine detects a contact of this part with another part. The other part is passed as otherObject parameter. The beginContect method is used to define a reaction on collision of parts.


class MyPart extends Part
	beginContact( otherPart )
		// reaction of contact


endContact( otherPart )

Method. This method is automatically called when the physics engine detects a lost of contact of this part with another part. The other part is passed as otherObject parameter. The endContect method is to define a reaction when a part parts away from another part.


class MyPart extends Part
	endContact( otherPart )
		// reaction of lost contact

Motor API

Motors are parts that can rotate around a predefined axis and have DOF=1. Several motors can be attached in a row in order to achieve complex rotation and higher DOF. As motors are parts, all methods of parts are available for motors too.

Source code: src/motor.js


new Motor( axis, min=-Infinity, max=Infinity, def=0 )

Base class. Defines the overall functionality of a motor. User-defined motors are classes that extends this base class. Each motor has one axis of rotation, one of the strings 'x', 'y' or 'z'. The range of rotation is bound by min and max, and the default angle is def. The base motor has no image.


setName( name )

Method. Sets a custom name for a motor. Originally all motors are unnamed. Names can be used for user interfaces to provide more meaningful reference to a motor. The method returns the motor itself, so the method can be chained.


motor.setName( 'Base rotor' );


getAngle( )

Method. Gets the angle of a motor.


a = motor.getAngle( );


setAngle( angle )

Method. Sets the motor’s angle. If angle is null, the operation is ignored.


motor.setAngle( Math.PI );


flip(  bool )

Method. Reverts the motor’s motion in the opposite direction if bool is true. This is used when modeling left-oriented and right-oriented symmetrical robots (e.g. left hand and right hand).


motor.flip( true );

Slot API

A slot is a place on a robot part where another part can be attach. The orientation of the slot affects the orientation of the attached part. Several parts can be attached to one slot.

Source code: src/slot.js


Slot( )
Slot( position )
Slot( x, y, z )

Class. Defines a slot at a given position which is a list of coordinates (x,y,z). The position can also be provided as three individual values. These coordinates are relative to the robot part to which the slot is added with addSlot. If no position is provided, the slot is created at (0,0,0).


slot = new Robotic.Slot( );

position = [0, 4, 1];
slot = new Robotic.Slot( position );

slot = new Robotic.Slot( 0, 4, 1 );


setPosition( position )
setPosition( x, y, z )

Method. Sets the slot’s position which is a list of coordinates (x,y,z). The position can also be provided as three individual values.


position = [0, 10, 5];
slot.setPosition( position );

slot.setPosition( 0, 10, 5 );


setRotation( x, y, z, order='XYZ' );

Method. Sets the orientation of a slot to Euler angles (x,y,z) and order of rotations. The orientation is relative to the robot part of the slot.


slot.setRotation( 0, Math.PI/2, 0 );

Sensor API

A sensor is a robot part that measures some property and returns its value as a feedback. Sensors are attached to slots (with attachToSlot) and use their position and orientation. Sensors are also robot parts so they have their methods like setPosition and setRotation.

Source code: src/sensor.js, src/laser.js and src/textures.js


Sensor( visible=true, laserColor )

Class. Defines a sensor. If visible is true, the sensor pad is drawn, otherwise the sensor is invisible, but still functional. If present, laserColor defines the color of a laser beam, emitted by the sesonsor. The value of laserColor is color name, Three.js Color or just true for a default crimson color.


sensor = new Robotic.Sensor( );


senseDistance( maxDistance = Infinity )

Method. Gets the distance from the sensor position to the nearest object (including the ground) along the direction of the sensor. If there is no object, the result is Infinity. The minimal sensed distance is 0.05, which is the sizes of the sensor pad. Distance is sense only up to maxDistance.


dist = sensor.senseDistance( );
dist = sensor.senseDistance( 10 );


senseTouch( )

Method. Gets the close-up distance from the sensor position to the nearest object (including the ground) along the direction of the sensor. Touching is similar to sensing distance, but it only senses distances from 0 to 0.05, i.e. inside the sensor pad. The returned value is a number from 0 to 1 indicating the level of touching, i.e. 0 means no touching, 1 means complete touching. If there is no object that close, the result is 0.


touch = sensor.senseTouch( );


sensePosition( )

Method. Gets the 3D position of the sensor as an array of [x,y,z] coordinates.


pos = sensor.sensePosition( );


senseDirection( )

Method. Gets the 3D vector of the sensor’s direction as an array of [x,y,z].


dir = sensor.senseDirection( );


senseCollision( )

Method. Returns true when the part containing the sensor collides (or intersects) another part or the ground, otherwise returns false. Collision sensing relies on the physics engine and is aware of only those parts, that are defined as physical parts.


if( sensor.senseCollision( ) )


senseObjects( )

Method. Returns a list of all parts that collide (or intersects) with the part, containing the sensor. Sensing objects relies on the physics engine and is aware of only those parts, that are defined as physical parts.


objects = sensor.senseObjects( );


senseObject( otherObject )

Method. Returns true when the part containing the sensor collides (or intersects) the otherObject, otherwise returns false. Sensing objects relies on the physics engine and is aware of only those parts, that are defined as physical parts.


if( sensor.senseObject( ball ) )


senseSpeed( )

Method. Gets the linear speed of the sensor measured for the last rendering cycle. The speed is a non-negatove scalar calculated as distance over time. The speed contains no data about the direction of motion, for this use the senseVelocity sensor.

The use of this sensor switches internal motion detection. As a result, the first one or two measurements may produce wrong values.


s = sensor.senseSpeed( );


senseVelocity( )

Method. Gets the linear velocity of the sensor measured for the last rendering cycle. The velocity is a vector calculated as the motion vector over time. The value is an array of [vx,vy,vz] components of the velocity. The magnitude of motion is the lenght of the velocity vector, which is also provided by the senseSpeed sensor.

The use of this sensor switches internal motion detection. As a result, the first one or two measurements may produce wrong values.


v = sensor.senseVelocity( );


senseAccelerationMagnitude( )

Method. Gets the magnitude of the linear acceleration of the sensor measured for the last rendering cycle. The magnitude is positive for accelerating motion, negative for deaccelerating motion and 0 for motion without acceleration. The magnitude contains no data about the direction of acceleration, for this use the senseAcceleration sensor.

The use of this sensor switches internal motion detection. As a result, the first one or two measurements may produce wrong values.


a = sensor.senseAccelerationMagnitude( );


senseAcceleration( )

Method. Gets the linear acceleration of the sensor measured for the last rendering cycle. The acceleration is a vector calculated as the change of velocity vector over time. The value is an array of [ax,ay,az] components of the acceleration. For the magnitude of acceleration use the senseAccelerationMagnitude sensor.

The use of this sensor switches internal motion detection. As a result, the first one or two measurements may produce wrong values.


a = sensor.senseAcceleration( );


senseProperty( name, maxDistance = Infinity )

Method. Gets the value of a specific property name from the first object in the direction of the sensors, but up to maxDistance. This sensor combines senseDistance, senseObject and getProperty.


a = sensor.senseProperty( 'temperature' );