Virtual prosthetics social activities
The thumb motion of the virtual prosthetic hand is improved by adding more degrees of freedom. It is now possible to fingerspell all moras from the Japanese Sign Language.
— Pavel Boytchev (@PavelBoytchev) July 25, 2023
Live demo (needs Asian font): #VirtualProsthetics #FMI #SU #AIzuHand #ThreeJS
Today I put is some code to show a 3D version of the Virtual Prosthetics logo whenever the library senses that there are no objects in the scene... It is nothing special, just a small deviation from my daily programming. #VirtualProsthetics #FMI #SU #ThreeJS
— Pavel Boytchev (@PavelBoytchev) June 15, 2023
Added support fir GLTF body parts. Here are grabbing hands with palms and phalanges made in Blender.
— Pavel Boytchev (@PavelBoytchev) June 9, 2023
Live demo: #VirtualProsthetics #FMI #SU #ThreeJS
It took some time to implement the sense of collision and object touching by using cannon-es for this. This is a demo of two robots playing with a ball. The ball compression is done manually. #VirtualProsthetics #FMI #SU #ThreeJS #CannonES
— Pavel Boytchev (@PavelBoytchev) April 13, 2023
Touch sensors sense when they are pressed against another object and return a pressure level. This video shows prosthetic fingers grabbing random pebbles.
— Pavel Boytchev (@PavelBoytchev) March 14, 2023
Sadly, touch sensors are not enough for collision detection. #VirtualProsthetics #FMI #SU #ThreeJS
Added distance sensors – when you design a robot you can place them wherever you want. These sensors will be used by prosthetic devices to capture their surroundings, assist navigation and avoid collisions. #VirtualProsthetics #FMI #SU #ThreeJS
— Pavel Boytchev (@PavelBoytchev) March 7, 2023
Started a new project for Virtual Prosthetics. The work is in collaboration with @Univ_Aizu. Here are a few preliminary demos of the 3D module. I'm yet to face the challenges of modelling physical constraints, tactile sense and virtual pain. #VirtualProsthetics #FMI #SU #ThreeJS
— Pavel Boytchev (@PavelBoytchev) March 3, 2023