Shape textures affect the shape of a 3D model, not its colors. They run in real-time just like the traditional textures. However, they require a sufficiently dense net of vertices.
This project provides Three.js Shading Language (TSL) textures. TSL textures are functions that generate textures at run-time on the GPU. Learn more about TSL and what makes it special. Contributions to this project are very welcome – either as new TSL textures or optimizations of existing ones. The texture functions are available on GitHub and NPM. You may see them in action here:
A few examples demonstrating the use of TSL and TSL Textures. Some of the examples are prototypes and proof-of-concepts, others have been used to make short videos.
A small collection of videos based on TSL Texture examples. The videos are posted on X. Click on an image to view it on X or use the link to run the code live.