
Procedural Equirectangular Textures


Module. Implements the equirectangular texture generator and provides the result as a texture. The pattern of the texture is computed by a user-defined callback function.


Function. Generates an equirectangular texture. Mipmaps are turned off. Parameters of texture can be passed in any order.

texture( pattern, {options}, {canvas}, {deferred} )


The function returns a THREE.CanvasTexture object enriched by instance methods: update and border.


Instance method. Added to any texture created by texture. Updates a deferred texture by calculating as much as it is possible, within a set time constraint. While the texture is not complete, update generates at least one row of texture pixels per call.

myTexture.update( {ms} )


This instance method returns a number ∈ [0,1] for how much of the texture generated, i.e. 0.5 means 50%, 1 means 100%. This includes the newly generated rows. If the texture is completely generated, no new rows are calculated and the return value is immediately 1.


Instance method. Added to any texture created by texture. Draws rows of red pixels in the yet to be generated part of the texture.

myTexture.border( {rows} )


Pattern function

Callback function. A pattern function is a user-defind function that generates a specific pattern. The function calculates the color of a point in 3D space, based on its (x,y,z) coordinates, its texture coordinates (u,v) and its pixel coordinates (px,py).

pattern( x,y,z, color )
pattern( x,y,z, color, options )
pattern( x,y,z, color, options, u,v )
pattern( x,y,z, color, options, u,v, px,py )


The width and height of the texture can be retrieved from parameters options.width and options.height.

Pattern options

The generation of each texture may require additional parameters. They are provided as a JS object, passed to texture as options parameter. The properties of the options are:

If width and height are not provided, the texture size is taken from the canvas size. If the canvas is also not provided, the default size 1024×512 pixels is used.

All properties starting with $ character are not used by the texture generator, but could be useful for software that incorporates the generator.


	width: 1024,
	height: 512,
	color: 0xFF80D0,
	scale: 5.1

Deferred generation

By default a texture is generated as a single step. For large or complex textures this blocks the user interface. Deferred generation prevents blocking by distributing calculations in small steps. Calculations are initialized by texture’s instance method [ ].update.

Deferred generation sets .needsUpdate only when the texture is complete.

A typical implementation of deferred generation that spends 10 ms during each frame and continuously updates the texture on the screen, may look like this:

map = texture( pattern, true, options );
function animationLoop( )
	if( map.update(10) < 1 )
		map.needsUpdate = true;
	renderer.render( scene, camera );


